I would like to begin this article by stating that all these facts are studied and turned out to be true. As a marketing student, we come across a lot of theories as to how to boost your sales, how to make more people aware of the business you are running and so on. But not all of them turns out to be true except for one and that is the use of stickers to promote your brand. This might sound absurd to you but you will get the hang of this as we progress in this blog. This review is solely for the betterment of those people who are venturing out with brand new startups and are In dire need to be directed in the right direction. Promotional stickers are the new talk of the town and you will realize why if you keep on reading. PROMOTIONAL STICKERS: I will first start by explaining what promotional stickers actually are. The bloom of a company lies in just one tactic and if you have mastered that tact then you can sleep without a single worry. This single step will give your...